
Can I Re Apply For Safelink If I Cancell My Service

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: December. 13, 2017

This visitor needs to improve or exist shut down completely. The problems I have experienced while my service is suppose to be active are an inability to send or receive text, unable to place calls or receive calls, and no data. Information technology takes several hours to attempt to correct their error and reps will troubleshoot your phone to the signal yous will memorize and know the steps and still be without service. Information technology appears they are in business to aggravate the hell out of people. When I upgraded to their unlimited plan the rep gave me a 200 dollar program instead. Safelink reps were unwilling to fix this. My merely resolution has been to file a complaint with the FCC. Currently, I am unable to send and receive texts. I have spent hours calling to resolve this and the reps told me information technology's stock-still but it's not. I still receive an fault bulletin indicating bereft funds.

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Original review: December. ix, 2017

I used to become free minutes through a government program through Safelink. Suddenly I'm non qualified fifty-fifty though nothing has changed in my income. This company is totally incompetent. If yous call customer service, it'due south about impossible to understand the agent because their English is so bad. At that place'southward all kinds of laughing and chatter in the background, and information technology sounds similar the "customer service" is located in the anteroom of a cheap motel. Earlier, they sent me an electronic mail about a meliorate phone I could become, which I purchased from Walmart. The incompetent rep I talked to could not get information technology installed properly so I spent my coin on NOTHING! This company should exist put out of business as soon equally possible! They are idiots!

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Original review: Dec. 5, 2017

My elderly mother was enrolled in their "gratis" government phone programme for the past v years. Her re-certification month is March. Notwithstanding, upon inquiring virtually why her minutes were non received this month I was told that she did not re-certify in time and was dropped from the program and required to re-enroll. It'south December and not fifty-fifty her time to re-certify all the same. She was NEVER notified in ANY manner that her re-certification month had supposedly changed. She's also required to RESUBMIT her financial and food assistance info which SAFELINK unfairly got rid of PRETENDING she didn't re-certify in time when it WAS NOT EVEN TIME for her to re-certify at all.

This is null more than a scam to boot POOR and ELDERLY people out a MUCH NEEDED free assistance program. They're trying to get them to PAY for a phone plan regardless if they tin afford it. They're aware that most people don't care to be put through the brunt of re-applying and resubmitting documentation they already submitted to qualify for the program the commencement time around. Many volition throw up their hands and pay for service simply to keep from having to run through the hoops again. Practice they always stop to consider that many people in these programs CANNOT Afford to pay for phone service (not even a house telephone) and these "free" phones are their ONLY ways of communication? This is unacceptable and disgraceful.

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Original review: Dec. 5, 2017

My elderly mother was enrolled in their 'gratuitous' regime phone program for the past v years. Her re-certification month is March. However, upon inquiring near why her minutes were non received this month I was told that she did not re-certify in time and was dropped from the program and required to re-enroll. It'due south Dec, not March. She was NEVER notified in ANY mode that her re-certification month has supposedly inverse. And they want her to RESUBMIT her financial and nutrient help info that THEY unfairly got rid of PRETENDING she didn't re-certify in time when it WAS NOT Fourth dimension for her to re-certify at all.

This is nix more than than a scam to boot POOR and ELDERLY people out a MUCH NEEDED gratuitous assistance program. They know well-nigh people don't care to be put through the burden of re-applying and resubmitting documentation they already submitted to qualify for the program the first fourth dimension effectually. Practise they stop to consider that many people in these programs CANNOT AFFORD to pay for phone service (not fifty-fifty a firm phone) and these free phones are their Just means of communication? This is unacceptable and disgraceful.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Dec. 4, 2017

Safelink Wireless has rude customer service agents you can barely understand, and they don't supersede lost or broken phones. Assurance Wireless does. Definitely will not utilize Safelink in the future. They likewise took my minutes, only couldn't give me a legit reason as to why.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Dec. 4, 2017

Paid for unlimited and they never gave me unlimited. When you telephone call they transfer you xv times and so hang upward on you. Safelink is the worst company I accept e'er dealt with. This company gives you the runaround. Safelink TracFone.

Rated with 5 stars

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Original review: Nov. xxx, 2017

I honestly tin't say nothing bad thus far. Client service took care of me when I asked about plans and details. The plan I choose (truly unlimited) is in fact truly unlimited. I used near 900gb of data running my hotspot constantly on 4G LTE and Become free everything. I been through the other companies with the data caps and not telling you everything. In that location's even a Safelink store in town. And I watched them service and help other people when I got this phone. I run i telephone off this that'southward rooted and custom.

I got gratuitous unlimited calls, text, internet on both the S5 and this obviously low budget ZTE. But it was gratuitous. The plans are inexpensive and precise. And for xl bucks a month doing everything you people paying lx, fourscore or 100 for ane phone with over fees or subconscious bs, I get to utilise two phones (when I even need it) problem gratis with good care no hidden stuff or dropping to 3g after a data rate. I don't know what you guys are all doing. Information technology's really been then practiced and opposite of what you all are saying. I don't even know if you are all real people using this service lol. I would definitely recommend this to anyone that would qualify.

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Original review: Nov. 27, 2017

By post I received an application to apply for a free cell phone. Along with the application was a alphabetic character from New Hampshire Healthy Families Insurance company informing me that if I were a senior denizen living on a express income I was eligible for a complimentary jail cell telephone with free limited minutes and free texting. I fabricated out the application 3 times informing them that "I lived on a limited income and that I was applying for the free phone with free minutes". I did not receive the cell phone until I finally called and fabricated a complaint. It was very difficult dealing with the person I spoke to considering she had such an accent I could barely understand her. After a fourth dimension of trying to become my point across they hung upward on me. I chosen them back the next day and I was told I would become the phone within 7 to ten business organisation days.

I recently received the phone merely I have not tried to register or activate it. Reason being with all the data I received about the phone there is nada included about any limited costless minutes or complimentary texting. I am an elderly person with some health problems. I merely wanted the phone and the gratis minutes to use in case of an emergency, and so what would be the point of activating information technology? Considering a letter from New Hampshire Salubrious Families was included with the application, I thought information technology was legit. Unfortunately it appears to be no express complimentary minutes or free texting. Information technology appears to exist false ad? I do non have an order number that came with the telephone. But a serial number came with the phone?

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Original review: Nov. 20, 2017

Safelink has canceled my service twice without reason. Website says all my information is correct and that information technology's not time to recertify even so. I contacted phone back up (who barely speak English language) and they said there was no reason for it to be canceled, but they couldn't re-actuate it and I'd have to apply once again. For a third time.

Rated with 4 stars

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Original review: November. 17, 2017

I had my phone Stolen around July and called customer service several times in the past four months. They all tell me different Stories... They first tell me to Buy new telephone... I did this then they tell me the TracFone I bought was the wrong Carrier. Then they told me It was against Federal Regulation to turn my phone dorsum on. I recently try to purchase a phone from Cricket Wireless and they tell me I can non Transfer my Number and I will need to pay a $59.00 new phone number. I have my service for one twelvemonth only. My phone was stolen. Information technology should non be such a Big deal to transfer a Number you had for over 1 twelvemonth and transfer to a new carrier.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Nov. 13, 2017

I have been with Safelink Wireless for most 1 yr in the state of California and accept been disconnected each and every month without fail, and I'm making telephone calls so it's not that. It takes near thirty-45 minutes every month dealing with customer service to get my service restored. They can't explicate why this is happening nor give whatsoever balls that information technology won't happen again the following calendar month. It actually sucks when you rely on an app that shows you where the buses are and when they volition be at the stop nigh you to non work the morning of your Mon workday commute.

And then, when you endeavour to call customer service over the handset in question (611) at that place is no choice/ability to speak with customer service. You will either need to borrow a phone from someone or place a call over the cyberspace from a separate figurer when you go dwelling house, if you take that ability, and/or a domicile to render to. Forget about doing the latter in a public library. To superlative everything off, about 4 out of v times I take to call back multiple times and speak with multiple customer service representatives who all don't seem to know what they are doing and where each fourth dimension it takes them 10 minutes simply to pull up my account information.

Every bit of writing this I've been on hold for about 30 minutes and a customer service representative who subsequently wanting me to call a divide number to "activate my device" adamant I didn't need to activate a device that had already been activated months ago after much pleading on my regard and realized that all that needed to happen was just giving me the minutes, data and phone service that was owed to me. I should notation that I transferred the service from the elementary device that I initially received with the service, which we can do (Bring Your Ain Phone Kit/ability) and the customer service rep explained that because I did that at that place is a delay in payment on their stop or something and that this may continue to happen from here on.

This is a feature that is clearly displayed through Safelink Wireless: ** Whether you're providing your ain device or getting it through them, to look your service to disconnect every calendar month is deeply troubling. If this happens again next calendar month I volition wait for a dissimilar service provider. If you accept the option to cull a dissimilar provider I highly recommend doing then.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: November. ten, 2017

At the end of September I had a Safelink workers come to my home and take downwardly my information for a telephone and asked if I had food stamps or Medicaid which I have both. I gave my information but ran back into the women ten mins later and told her to remove my info because I changed my mind. I called to run into if Safelink had my info which they did not. Should I exist worried about identity theft? Anyone else accept this happen? I'm very worried!

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Original review: November. 10, 2017

Unable to talk to a live person. Unable to lock jail cell telephone stolen from me. How am I supposed to have i.d. no. on telephone if I no longer have phone. Person who stole phone and then brought a Tracfone to me. However; Tracfone is not gratuitous service. Why does Safelink have unlike accost? Is it Miami or Oregon? Something not correct here.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Nov. 9, 2017

I have spoken with 5 representatives since October and they nevertheless have not turned my phone back on. All with different reasons with never the aforementioned event. A couple of the supervisors had very bad attitudes considering I wanted answers that they appear to not know. I finally spoken with a supervisor name Gee and she was good today. She said my application was redone on the 17th of October and it was but sitting at that place waiting to exist sent to my state agency! I was like OMG why??? They need to really train their agents better.

Rated with 2 stars

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Original review: Nov. 9, 2017

As a low income senior, I rely on this phone for transportation and to call my doctor. When I had a medical incident and needed to telephone call my doctor, information technology said, "No service". During the hurricane I had no service. 1 time I reported them to the FCC.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Nov. 4, 2017

I was abolish from Safelink Wireless because they claimed they didn't get the TWO recertification I sent them. I was told I had to reapply for service. I was told I would receive an awarding in 7-10 business concern days, this was on the 1st of Oct. 2017. After the ten days, I didn't receive the awarding. I call Safelink and was told to expect another 24-hour interval. I did... yet no application. I called back and was told I had to apply again and to wait another 7-x business days, on the 18th. The 10 business days went by again, yet no application. This company is completely and totally incompetent.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Nov. 3, 2017

To summarize my experience: I sent an awarding around the terminate of June, got sent a denial letter on Halloween that was dated from July 5th. The letter stated I already was receiving service although I never got a phone. Skeptical that someone stole the telephone or stolen my information, I called the customer service line, which took me 3 tries of beingness hung upward on before I got a hold of a person. When I finally got to speak to a person instead of a machine, I told them near the letter and asked if someone could possibly exist using a phone under their service with my information. He answered "no, a phone was never sent to your accost."

That made me feel relieved. I could bank check that off my list of worries, merely at present I didn't understand why I was denied a phone because of some other telephone that just didn't exist. I had to ask the representative iii times, "what is the reason why I was denied?". Each time I was told "You only simply didn't qualify" and explained all the things that could become me qualified, and I had all the qualifications other than the phone line that doesn't exist still. In the terminate, he said he was going to forward me to a section to respond my questions.

I got prompted with the first-up carte du jour from when I first chosen, and got hung up on. If I could charge per unit this "business" zero that would be a more appropriate rating. Not that I had high hopes for anything free, only I would like to accept a articulate mind that no 1 is using my information to get free cell phones or other ventures. To be denied and canonical is super fishy to me, and screams at me to exist a scam of some sort, since no 1 could give me an respond similar a prompt, legit concern would. If I knew where to plow, I would report them to someone. In the future I'm going to warn people almost this business organization.

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Rated with 3 stars

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Original review: Nov. ane, 2017

Sometimes, yous normally don't have enough minutes because marketers interrupt likewise much by timing, and scheduling when they phone call. Other times, your date calls combined to personal or minute calls, you also become minute short before your new month. Just to add, this atypical scene caused me to have no minutes very early on in the month, during September 2017- Irma; also including the necessity it took to proceeds shelter assistance.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: October. 31, 2017

I have used this plan for years. I live in the upstairs of a business firm and cannot make calls on my phone. Information technology dials just then automatically hangs up before the call is finished dialing.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Oct. 30, 2017

I purchased 2 GB plan through Safelink Phone. Merely earlier this I was with Verizon for five years. The most data Ive always used was one and a half GB nearly the time. Never went over a gigabyte. Safelink Telephone I had a gigabyte of information used before the week ended. Shut my cellular information off I however was using information. Would give them zero stars but it wont let me. These people are dubs. Unfortunately Im at a point my life where this is only thing I tin afford. These people are very quack. I call them at least for 5 times a calendar month stay on the phone anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour more.

Yeah tech-support are idiots. When I purchased a calling plans on three or iv occasions after the money was taken out of my banking concern account. The moron shut my service off. Had to call them to let them know when they took the money out of my account. Then if you thinking well-nigh buying service plan by the smallest i possible which is $15 yous probably wont take any data with that. At least you tin can talk and text. They give you 50 MB that seems but to disappear before long as you get it. Im ever around Wi-Fi. It's rare when I use cellular data. But it can disappear fifty-fifty if yous have your data close off. These people are thieves. Someone really needs to sue them a few times to wake them the ** up.

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Original review: Oct. 30, 2017

I applied for a Lifeline phone in Oct 2017 only to find out that I have been a victim of identity theft from 2014 by someone who has stolen my consummate identity... I take fabricated over 200 telephone calls including 1 with Lifelock in attempts to resolve this issue as well equally capture the criminal. They go on giving you a run effectually switching you to different people from unlike parts of the earth. None have had the available tools. I tell them, "Go to Domicile Depot or Lowe'south"... Need resolution, they give insults and aggravation... They do incomplete verifications, and are very elusive.

How can Lifeline give someone a phone with a Virginia surface area lawmaking when applying for it in Brooklyn NY non same address as mine, they applied for information technology with their medicaid and food postage stamp ID card every bit verification but conveniently lost the record... They sent me a sim card simply not a cellphone insisting that I am the same person who applied in 2014. I ask them to get through comparative assay and they still insist. I never owned a cell phone. Let u.s. seek justice.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Oct. 30, 2017

I accept spent a lot of time reading complaints hither. I was curious what other people have been experiencing. In that location is patently a massive problem with a company that does non intendance about its customers. I have experienced the same frustrating not-conversations with Safelink representatives, who exercise not speak articulate English, and who practise nothing more than read from a script. As with other reviewers, I have demanded to speak to managers, but there are no managers. It's very difficult to simply even accomplish customer service & none of the reps know anything, so don't expect assistance from them. I lost 10,000 of my minutes because my phone was lost. Equally shortly every bit I discovered it was lost, I chosen Safelink to ask for communication & help. I explained, NO LESS THAN three times, that I was very worried about losing my minutes. I was as well worried somebody would discover my phone and utilize those minutes.

The rep bodacious me everything was fine and that my minutes would transfer to a new phone. When my new phone arrived, the minutes were non transferred. Later hours and hours of stressful & irritating phone calls with reps, and beingness put on hold for one/2 hour at a fourth dimension, while being transferred, supposedly, to corporate - I finally reached corporate. I spoke to 3 different individuals at corporate. None of them seemed the least scrap interested and they all repeated what the reps had said "we cannot help you." The last person I spoke to at corporate hung up on me, after I asked for his employee I.D. #. This was Friday, so I knew I had to wait through the weekend to go along my quest for getting some help.

I am going to pursue this and I hope others exercise too. I am not sure what steps to take right now, but I program to be diligent most information technology, as I am angry. The whole idea backside this service is to help those who are low income. And so, then they strip yous of your minutes simply because a phone is "lost". There is something very wrong with this business organisation model, in my opinion.

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Rated with 3 stars

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Original review: Oct. 29, 2017

With Safelink Wireless I don't accept to buy minutes every month. For me information technology's gratuitous. As long as you're getting welfare you can qualify for this phone. I've had it for most a year and I have no complaints.

Rated with 3 stars

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Original review: Oct. 28, 2017

It'south a free govt. cell phone service so I guess you get what you pay for. They do not provide smartphones, like some of the other govt. cell phone providers. Terrible client service. They text erroneous data at times. Client service is out of country and reps are non knowledgeable and often rude. Not the best network but usually sufficient.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Oct. 26, 2017

It took me over 4 years to get a Safelink telephone and then information technology didn't work and two SIM cards afterward and another phone, it finally worked. Merely I am older and the phone was pocket-sized and I couldn't run into the buttons well. I was told I could go to Safelink's shop, but i of their tech people, and buy a smartphone there and my business relationship and costless minutes would transfer to it. So I did. And so they kept telling me it wasn't a TracFone and that I had not bought information technology from Safelink. I argued for over 45 minutes with one person, who didn't speak clear English. I finally asked for a supervisor and got a lady who helped me thru the whole process to get it working. The outset of the adjacent month, no minutes. I got ahold of someone on their chat and had the minutes the side by side day. The adjacent month the aforementioned matter.

The following month I had a lot of telephone calls to take care of and went thru the 350 min quite apace, so I was told I could buy from Safelink site $15 for 30 days and when that fourth dimension ran out, it would revert dorsum to my regular program and I would receive my free min again. So Aug I bought a $15 plan good for thirty days and figured the xxx days would run out around the 24th of Oct and I could finish this month with my free min. But no free min showed up when I ran out of paid min. Without minutes I cannot call Safelink for they charge your min for the telephone call. And from what I am able to find out online, I seem to have been cancelled out of the free program as of 10/31/17. Also when I tried to get ahold of anyone online, I was told my phone number is not a TracFone and then not a working number. This place is horrible and I endure from stress and panic attacks and am on oxygen. I NEED my telephone and this just stresses me to the point of being sick.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: October. 24, 2017

Text messaging would not work. Spent two hours on phone with 4 customer service people, if yous can call it that. No i could help. Adjacent day spent hr talking to half-dozen people trying to get text to work. They say, "Turn phone off and think in hr if not working." Nonetheless doesn't work and so, guess I'll be spending another two hours tomorrow. Rude and don't know what they're doing. My suggest is, please stay away from them. At present, if your phone works then skilful but if you accept trouble and then you are really in trouble.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Oct. 24, 2017

I was a Safelink customer for around v years and recently decided to upgrade my phone. The telephone I was sent did not work properly so I called and LLLOOONGGG story short I spent at least xx hours on the phone between many dissimilar people, First they sent me a new bill of fare, which of form did not work with 1st phone. Then they sent me another telephone which didn't work either. So at this point I said, "Forget it. I just want my coin back" and they gave me coin for One of the phones and I had bought TWO total. Screw you lot all. I am with Direct Talk.

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Original review: October. 20, 2017

So check this out: I just signed up again to join Safelink Wireless. I had a phone over a twelvemonth ago but spilled coffee on it and never fifty-fifty tried to become a replacement and whatnot. Then merely a calendar week ago I signed up again to get a telephone. All was awesome. Got canonical as I already expected and of a sudden past October 18th, my phone had not been delivered. I spoke with a FedEx rep who told me that all they could practise was trace the product but that I'd have to contact Safelink for further assistance.

I freaked out today, the 20th because at this point someone else could have my phone and be using information technology. I went on my Safelink account and cancelled it thinking it would just close the account and anyone tin can turn information technology back on. I called Safelink almost the FedEx situation and was told that they could not reactivate the business relationship. I asked to speak to a director and was transferred to corporate. You lot would think that corporate could actually make everything improve, right? Non. They told me the exact aforementioned thing that the representative told me, that I have to wait AN ** YEAR to get reinstated with Safelink. WHAT!?!? That makes absolutely no sense. Corporate was a waste of my ** time.

And this is why I should have let bygones be bygones and have merely kept myself without the phone. This is some **. I thought corporate would have access to more but it turns out they are simply... a waste matter of time. Don't even bother with this company unless y'all are willing to deal with crap similar this. It's a free phone and I wanted to cancel my current company since my finances are in terrible standing. Wishful thinking.

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Original review: Oct. nineteen, 2017

I'one thousand a social worker and then I apply for clients all the time. Over the past 2 months I've been mailing AND faxing all my applications and wasn't receiving whatever phones. Finally I try to call, takes me an hour to go to a person, and then I can't empathise what they're even maxim. Later on giving them the same exact data 30 times I finally hung up because naught was existence accomplished and I kept being transferred. I approximate my clients volition accept to notice another phone service.

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Original review: Oct. 17, 2017

Absolute ridiculousness. I don't fifty-fifty know where to brainstorm, this service makes ineptness expect like a quality the visitor and their "customer service agents" - some other HA! strive for! As in, how many people hung up on you today, Kaksnsjld?? Only x?!?! Sad, Mary ** had 103 frustrated hangups in only an hour, she's now employee of the day!!! I am not racist, my hubby gave me the proud last name **, and we were both laughing at the ineptitude that made my story funny; I had to tell him the story and laugh with him or cry frustrated angry tears. Nosotros laughed!

I gave up on them for myself since I tin afford Boost, and don't have to consider drastic means of dealing with Safelink, but was trying to go information technology for my begetter, who is extremely hard of hearing, also extremely stubborn about it, and beyond dubiety qualifies for Safelink. I gave my Dad the information, simply of course the website was no aid. So I said, "Forget information technology, I'll call." So ten million years afterwards (okay, an hour), I actually get a alive person, who was really very prissy and seemed to want to assistance. Guess what, terrible connection. I was on my Boost phone, which is wonderful. Hmmm...

Somewhen, non-shockingly, maddeningly, we were disconnected. This is a terrible, horrible, awful service for people in need. I vow to find out whatsoever I can nigh these people and do something nigh it. I'yard in a nursing home at the age of 39, for my own disgusting reasons, and I am surrounded by people who NEED a service similar this, but non this horrific ane, Safelink, which is like a sadistic fake lifeline provided by jerky **. 'Nuff said. I never rant like this, merely this company is the culmination of stupid mixed with lazy and a dash of antipathy.

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Can I Re Apply For Safelink If I Cancell My Service,


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