
How To Plan A Migration To Cloud Services

A cloud migration is when a company moves some or all of its data centre capabilities into the cloud, commonly to run on the cloud-based infrastructure provided past a cloud service provider such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.

As more and more companies have already transitioned to the deject, deject migrations are increasingly taking identify within the deject, as companies drift between different cloud providers (known as cloud-to-deject migration). Just for those making the initial foray to the cloud, at that place are a few critical considerations to exist aware of, which nosotros'll accept a look at beneath.

This is part of our series of comprehensive guides about Infrastructure equally a Service (IaaS).

In this commodity, you will larn:

  • What are the Main Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud?
  • What are Mutual Deject Migration Challenges?
  • Deject Migration Strategies
  • A 4-Step Cloud Migration Procedure
  • Migrating Data to the Cloud with NetApp Cloud Volumes

What are the Main Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud?

Here are some of the benefits that compel organizations to migrate resources to the public cloud:

  • Scalability - deject calculating can scale to support larger workloads and more than users, much more hands than on-premises infrastructure. In traditional It environments, companies had to buy and ready physical servers, software licenses, storage and network equipment to calibration up business organization services.
  • Cost - deject providers have over maintenance and upgrades, companies migrating to the deject can spend significantly less on IT operations. They tin can devote more resources to innovation - developing new products or improving existing products.
  • Performance - migrating to the deject can improve performance and end-user experience. Applications and websites hosted in the deject can easily scale to serve more users or higher throughput, and can run in geographical locations near to terminate-users, to reduce network latency.
  • Digital experience - users can access cloud services and data from anywhere, whether they are employees or customers. This contributes to digital transformation, enables an improved experience for customers, and provides employees with modern, flexible tools.

What are Common Cloud Migration Challenges?

Cloud migrations can be complex and risky. Here are some of the major challenges facing many organizations as they transition resource to the deject.

Lack of Strategy

Many organizations start migrating to the cloud without devoting sufficient fourth dimension and attention to their strategy. Successful cloud adoption and implementation requires rigorous end-to-end cloud migration planning. Each application and dataset may have different requirements and considerations, and may require a different approach to cloud migration. The organisation must have a clear business instance for each workload it migrates to the cloud.

Price Management

When migrating to the cloud, many organizations have not gear up clear KPIs to empathize what they program to spend or save afterward migration. This makes it hard to sympathise if migration was successful, from an economic point of view. In addition, deject environments are dynamic and costs can modify apace equally new services are adopted and awarding usage grows.

Vendor Lock-In

Vendor lock-in is a common problem for adopters of cloud technology. Cloud providers offer a big variety of services, just many of them cannot exist extended to other cloud platforms. Migrating workloads from one deject to another is a lengthy and costly process. Many organizations start using cloud services, and after find it difficult to switch providers if the current provider doesn't suit their requirements.

Data Security and Compliance

I of the major obstacles to deject migration is data security and compliance. Deject services use a shared responsibility model, where they accept responsibility for securing the infrastructure, and the client is responsible for securing data and workloads.

And then while the cloud provider may provide robust security measures, it is your organization'due south responsibility to configure them correctly and ensure that all services and applications have the appropriate security controls.

The migration process itself presents security risks. Transferring large volumes of information, which may be sensitive, and configuring access controls for applications beyond different environments, creates significant exposure.

Cloud Migration Strategies

Gartner has identified five deject migration techniques, known as the "5 Rs". Organizations looking to drift to the deject should consider which migration strategy best answers their needs. The following is a brief description of each:

  • Rehost. Rehosting, or 'elevator and shift,' involves using infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). You lot just redeploy your existing data and applications on the cloud server. This is like shooting fish in a barrel to exercise and is thus suited for organizations less familiar with cloud environments. Information technology is besides a good option for cases where it is hard to modify the code, and you want to migrate your applications intact.
  • Refactor. Refactoring, or 'lift, tinker, and shift,' is when yous tweak and optimize your applications for the cloud. In this case, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model is employed. The core compages of the applications remain unchanged, but adjustments are made to enable the ameliorate use of cloud-based tools.
  • Revise. Revising builds upon the previous strategies, requiring more significant changes to the architecture and code of the systems being moved to the deject. This is washed to enable applications to take full advantage of the services available in the deject, which may crave introducing major code changes. This strategy requires foreplanning and advanced knowledge.
  • Rebuild. Rebuilding takes the Revise arroyo even further by discarding the existing code base and replacing information technology with a new one. This process takes a lot of time and is merely considered when companies make up one's mind that their existing solutions don't encounter current business needs.
  • Replace. Replacing is another solution to the challenges that inform the Rebuild arroyo. The difference here is that the company doesn't redevelop its own native application from scratch. This involves migrating to a tertiary-party, prebuilt application provided by the vendor. The simply thing that you migrate from your existing application is the data, while everything else about the organization is new.

A four-Step Cloud Migration Process

1. Cloud Migration Planning

One of the get-go steps to consider earlier migrating data to the cloud is to determine the apply case that the public deject volition serve. Will it exist used for disaster recovery? DevOps? Hosting enterprise workloads past completely shifting to the cloud? Or will a hybrid approach work best for your deployment.

In this stage it is important to assess your environment and determine the factors that will govern the migration, such as disquisitional application information, legacy data, and application interoperability. It is also necessary to determine your reliance on data: do you accept data that needs to be resynced regularly, information compliance requirements to meet, or not-critical information that can possibly be migrated during the first few passes of the migration?

Determining these requirements volition assistance you charter a solid plan for the tools you'll need during migration, identifying which data needs to exist migrated and when, if the information needs any scrubbing, the kind of destination volumes to utilise, and whether you'll need encryption of the data both at rest and in transit.

Related content: read our guide to cloud migration tools.

ii. Migration Business Case

Once yous have determined your business requirements, sympathise the relevant services offered by cloud providers and other partners and their costs. Determine the expected benefits of cloud migration along three dimensions: operational benefits, cost savings, and architectural improvements.

Build a concern case for every application you program to migrate to the cloud, showing an expected total cost of ownership (TCO) on the cloud, compared to current TCO. Use deject cost calculators to approximate future cloud costs, using realistic assumptions - including the amount and nature of storage used, computing resources, taking into account case types, operating systems, and specific functioning and networking requirements.

Work with cloud providers to understand the options for cost savings, given your proposed cloud deployment. Cloud providers offering multiple pricing models, and provide deep discounts in exchange for long-term commitment to cloud resources (reserved instances) or a commitment to a certain level of deject spend (savings plans). These discounts must be factored into your business plan, to understand the true long-term cost of your cloud migration.

3. Cloud Data Migration Execution

Once your environment has been assessed and a plan has been mapped out, it's necessary to execute your migration. The main challenge here is carrying out your migration with minimal disruption to normal functioning, at the lowest cost, and over the shortest period of fourth dimension.

If your data becomes inaccessible to users during a migration, you take a chance impacting your business operations. The aforementioned is true equally you keep to sync and update your systems after the initial migration takes identify. Every workload chemical element individually migrated should be proven to work in the new environment before migrating another chemical element.

You'll besides need to find a manner to synchronize changes that are made to the source data while the migration is ongoing. Both AWS and Azure provide congenital-in tools that assist in AWS cloud migration and in Azure data migration, and later in this article we'll see how NetApp users benefit from migrating with services and features that come with Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

4. Ongoing Upkeep

Once that data has been migrated to the cloud, information technology is important to ensure that it is optimized, secure, and easily retrievable moving forward. It likewise helps to monitor for real-fourth dimension changes to critical infrastructure and predict workload contentions.

Apart from real-fourth dimension monitoring, you should also assess the security of the data at rest to ensure that working in your new environment meets regulatory compliance laws such as HIPAA and GDPR.

Another consideration to keep in mind is meeting ongoing performance and availability benchmarks to ensure your RPO and RTO objectives should they change.

Migrating Information to the Deject with NetApp Cloud Volumes

Cloud migrations tin can be complex and contain a lot of moving parts. 1 of the most complex aspects of a migration, peculiarly in a large enterprise, is moving and synchronizing large volumes of information.

NetApp'southward cloud solutions tin help simplify the migration process by providing tools that will help you motility and sync information easily, quickly and securely. In this section nosotros will talk over some of the benefits of using NetApp's Cloud Volumes, which comes in ii service models: the fully-managed Cloud Volumes Service and the hands-on Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

Faster Transfers, Lower Costs

With Cloud Volumes, NetApp provides several tools that help y'all automate, sync data faster, and secure your information while transitioning to the deject. NetApp'south SnapMirror data replication technology gives Deject Volumes ONTAP a manner to seamlessly transition information and workloads into the cloud non just during the initial migration, but onwards with continuous synchronization according to the user'south pre-defined schedules. Cloud Volumes ONTAP storage efficiencies also assist reduce network bandwidth costs during migrations by reducing storage footprint, which also accelerates data transfers.

For users of on-bounds FAS or AFF ONTAP storage systems, SnapMirror enables you to seamlessly motion data to or from the deject every bit necessary for ongoing hybrid environment syncs. For migrations that are existence carried out from systems that are not both ONTAP, Deject Volumes Service offers Deject Sync to conduct out the migration between any kind of object-based storage repository.

High Availability with Deject Volumes

This is 1 of the most important parameters to measure uptime. Some of the biggest deject migration challenges that can impact your business concern continuity arise from declining to plan for bug such as drive failures, network misconfigurations, and Availability Zone failures. The Deject Volumes HA configuration provides an AWS high availability infrastructure by maintaining two storage environments and synchronously writing to them during storage operations. This ensures that, from an application or end-user perspective, there is no downtime as in that location is a seamless transition to the secondary storage in case the master storage fails.

In terms of SLA numbers, Deject Volumes HA can help you achieve a recovery point objective (RPO) of nix and a recovery fourth dimension objective (RTO) of less than 60 seconds. The Multiple Availability Zone deployment model helps protect confronting Availability Zone failures. These features ensure that your deject environment is resilient, rubber from service disruptions, and able to host critical workloads also as data migration processes without requiring expensive HA setup on the application side.

Data Protection

Cloud Volumes allows cosmos of awarding-aware snapshots that have no functioning affect and consume minimal storage space. These snapshots are created in a affair of seconds irrespective of the size of the volume that is being copied. Instead of copying all the data in the arrangement, NetApp Snapshots only copy the data that was changed by manipulating block pointers.

For ongoing migrations, these snapshots are low cost and highly efficient way to protect your organization. And ONTAP snapshot creation tin can also be entirely automatic in order to create backups, which for many users has benefits over using native AWS or Azure services for disk backup.

Cost Optimization

The major benefits of using Deject Volumes ONTAP come with its storage efficiency features: thin provisioning, data compression, deduplication, and compaction too as data tiering, and FlexClone writable clones. The storage efficiency features work in tandem to limit the amount of storage you swallow and reduce information in transit costs. All together, these benefits can save a visitor as much as l% to 70% in storage and data transfer costs.

Proven Success with Deject Volumes

Many enterprises accept successfully used Deject Volumes ONTAP to help migrate their workloads and achieve storage efficiency and toll savings. Let'due south have a look at some of those customers.

Monash Academy, the largest university in Australia, used Cloud Volumes ONTAP to carry out an AWS cloud migration strategy. Monash was able to decommission their data centers and completely migrate their entire repository of pupil data and educational software to AWS storage using Cloud Volumes ONTAP for AWS. Their cloud migration challenges were to do this without impacting their student, business organization, and enquiry activities. In the words of Monash's infrastructure leader, Cloud Volumes ONTAP "immune us to transition to the cloud seamlessly. Information technology enabled us to hands migrate our data and bring the benefits of our onsite NetApp information management and information protection to AWS."

Some other Cloud Volumes ONTAP success story is a global clothing retailer headquartered in San Francisco. This company maintains five distinct brands of clothing with 3,300 outlets in more than than xc countries worldwide. Their business challenges were adopting a deject migration strategy to support their brands' online business organisation which meant finding a way to effectively carry out the deject migration process and store massive amounts of video and images to the cloud. Deject Volumes ONTAP for Azure gave them the flexibility their Azure migration strategy required.

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More to Acquire About Cloud Migration

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Read more: Cloud Journeying: 6 Stages of Cloud Adoption

Cloud Migration Approach: Rehost, Refactor or Replatform?

Cloud migration is the process of moving some or all your digital workloads to the cloud. Before migrating to the cloud, you have to recognize your requirements, assess cloud solutions and options, make an inventory of your existing resources, identify the electric current level of skills and select an architecture for your new cloud infrastructure.

There are several tried and tested approaches for migrating application workloads to the cloud. The strategies were originally divers in the Gartner "5 Rs" model in 2011. They are: Lift and shift, Refactor, Replatform, Rebuild, Supercede.

Read more: Cloud Migration Approach: Rehost, Refactor or Replatform?

What Is a Lift and Shift Cloud Migration?

Out of all the migration approaches, information technology is easiest, to the lowest degree expensive, and safest to conduct out what is known as a lift and shift migration. This fundamental cloud migration strategy is to take the existing information and applications and rehost them intact in the deject. There is no need for whatever changes to the existing awarding, making this model the ideal approach for deject migration strategy deadlines. This blog examines the lift and shift deject migration model in item, and volition discuss how it tin be assisted by Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

Read more than in What Is a Lift and Shift Deject Migration?

Cloud Migration Tools: Transferring Your Data with Ease

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Read more in Cloud Migration Tools: Transferring Your Information with Ease.

Cloud Data Integration 101: Benefits, Challenges, and Tools

The deject offers a more flexible fashion for enterprises to deploy IT, and they are taking full reward of that fact: Gartner recently reported that as much as 81% of the companies that are in the public cloud are using more than ane service provider. There are many reasons why cloud migration strategy would call for these kinds of multicloud and hybrid approaches, simply it creates a new challenge in the form of cloud data integration. With data dispersed over so many closed off repositories, how can users make certain deject data integration is possible, keeping all of the data synced and shared across the disparate environments? In this mail service, nosotros'll discuss cloud data integration in such deployments and how NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP can aid continue things in check.

Read more than in Cloud Data Integration 101: Benefits, Challenges, and Tools.

Transitioning Out: Having a Plan for a Cloud Transition

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Read more in Transitioning Out: Having a Plan for a Cloud Transition.

Deject Volumes ONTAP: Cloud Migration Case Studies

NetApp makes cloud migration easier with the help of Cloud Volumes ONTAP, the enterprise information management platform for use with native AWS, Azure, and Google Deject services. Now that so many enterprises are already in the deject, maximizing how to operate there more than efficiently is becoming the focus of operations—Cloud Volumes ONTAP tin can make that possible. Find out how in this article where we take a expect at a number of cloud migration case studies where enterprises migrated and optimized their cloud deployments with Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

Read more in Cloud Volumes ONTAP: Cloud Migration Case Studies.

Better in the Cloud: Workloads Gartner Says Y'all Should Motion to the Cloud Now

The deject can serve every bit an optimal environment to boost resilience, especially in times of disruption. This is particularly true if you know which workloads will reap the most benefits if moved out of the data centre. In a contempo research annotation, Gartner identified seven primal workloads that tin can significantly enhance operations if migrated to the cloud.

This blog post takes a close wait at each of these 7 workloads and explains how Cloud Volumes ONTAP can facilitate their migration, and, once in the cloud, enhance their performance at the lowest possible cost.

Read more in Meliorate in the Cloud: Workloads Gartner Says You lot Should Move to the Deject Now.

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Read more: Top 3 Cloud Adoption Frameworks: Your Path To The Deject

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Read more: Why Cloud Adoption Fails and half-dozen Tips for Success

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Encounter Our Additional Guides on Key IaaS Topics

Nosotros have authored in-depth guides on several other topics that can also be useful as you explore the globe of IaaS.

AWS Migration

Acquire about Amazon's basic framework for migration, and how to plan for mutual challenges that impact about every migration project.

Encounter top articles in our AWS migration guide:

  • 5 Steps to the Deject: AWS Migration Checklist
  • AWS Instance Studies with NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP
  • AWS Database Migration Service: Copy-Paste Your Database to Amazon


Learn what is AWS EBS and how to perform common EBS operations. Including 5 highly useful EBS features that can assist yous optimize performance and billing.

See height manufactures in our guide to AWS EBS:

  • Are You Getting Everything You Tin can from AWS EBS Volumes?: Optimizing Your Storage Usage
  • AWS EBS Volume Backup with EBS Snapshots
  • Cloning Amazon EBS Volumes: A Solution to the AWS EBS Cloning Problem


Acquire about AWS EFS, your backup options, how to optimize performance, see a brief comparison of EFS vs EBS vs S3, and discover how Cloud Volumes ONTAP tin can aid.

See top articles in our guide to AWS EFS:

  • EFS Performance Do's and Don'ts
  • Understanding AWS Shared Storage for Files, Block Storage, Object Storage and VDI
  • AWS NFS File Shares with Amazon EFS: 5 Key Considerations

Azure Migration

Learn about aspects of considerations when implementing Azure migration: migration models, country assessment, storage configuration, security, and maintenance.

See top articles in our Azure migration guide:

  • xi-Step Azure Migration Checklist
  • Moving Clouds: Migration from AWS to Azure and Azure to AWS
  • Azure Migration Tools: One-Click Migration for VMs and Data

Azure Cost Direction

Acquire about tools and practices that can help you manage and optimize costs on the Microsoft Azure cloud.

Meet top articles in our Azure cost direction:

  • Azure Cost Management: Visualize, Predict and Optimize Your Azure Pecker
  • Azure Cost Optimization: 12 Ways to Save on Azure
  • Azure Storage Pricing: Blobs, Files, Tables and Managed Disks

AWS Toll Optimization

Learn how AWS cost optimization works, complimentary Amazon tools that can help manage costs, and all-time practices for reducing your cloud beak.

See tiptop articles in our AWS cost optimization guide:

  • AWS Costs: iii Means to Relieve Big and 10 Price Variations to Watch Out For
  • AWS Storage Costs: All in Ane Place
  • AWS Cost Saving Guidebook Shows How You Tin can Optimize EBS Costs

AWS High Availability

Discover how high available systems are reliable and resilient and encounter how AWS can help you attain high availability for cloud workloads, across 3 dimensions.

See height articles in our AWS loftier availability guide:

  • AWS Availability Zones: Architecture and Considerations for Planning Your Deployment
  • AWS Data Loss Prevention: v Strategies and 5 Tools You Tin can Apply
  • AWS GovCloud Services: Sensitive and Classified Data on the Public Cloud

Azure High Availability

High availability is i of the major benefits of deject services. The guarantee that your information will remain accessible is critical to supporting high priority workloads and applications and is the reason many movement to the cloud in the commencement place.

This guide explains what high availability is and how to optimize Azure high availability.

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  • Azure Proximity Placement Groups and Cloud Volumes ONTAP

Linux on Azure

Larn how to use Linux on Azure, including guides for cloud-based enterprise Linux deployments and performance tips.

See tiptop articles in our guide to Linux on Azure:

  • Solve Enterprise Linux File Requirements in Azure
  • Build Your Own Enterprise NFS Service
  • Linux on Azure Workload Migration: Challenges and Solutions

HPC on Azure

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See elevation manufactures in our guide to HPC on Azure:

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  • Migrate Legacy Apps to the Cloud
  • Solve Azure HPC Challenges eBook

SAP on Azure

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  • SAP HANA Certification for Azure NetApp Files

VDI on Azure

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  • Azure VDI Pricing: Sympathize Windows Virtual Desktop Costs

AWS Big Data

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See superlative articles in our guide on AWS Big Data:

  • AWS Data Lake: Terminate-to-End Workflow in the Cloud
  • AWS Data Analytics: Choosing the Best Option for You
  • AWS ElastiCache for Redis: How to Use the AWS Redis Service

Google Cloud Migration

Learn how to migrate your workloads and data to Google Cloud, including in-depth comparisons between GCP and other cloud providers, tools, strategies, costs, and more.

Encounter top articles in our guide on Google Cloud migration:

  • AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud: Choosing the Best Deject Provider for You
  • Google Cloud Costs: Agreement and Managing Your GCP Bill
  • Google Cloud Migration Tools: Copying 1GB or 500TB? Learn How


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