
When Does Mccain Service Begin In Dc?

The POW/MIA Chair of Honor is displayed in the Capitol Visitors Center as Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., lies in state in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, Friday, Aug. 31, 2018, in Washington.

The life of Sen. John McCain is being honored in Washington, D.C., Saturday.

Events include a procession past the Vietnam Veterans Memorial followed by an invitation-just service at the Washington National Cathedral for family, friends, congressional colleagues and staff, and U.S. and international leaders.

Follow our live coverage hither, with updates on the memorial service:

9:33 a.yard.: McCain'south service concludes

The service for Sen. John McCain at the Washington National Cathedral ends as his casket is moved out of the church building.

Jack McCain paused to thank quondam Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Nib Clinton for attending before the honor guard moved the casket.

On Sunday, McCain volition return to the U.S. Naval University in Annapolis, Maryland, for a individual funeral and burial at the cemetery in that location.

nine:18 a.m.: Opera star Renee Fleming sings 'Danny Boy'

Renee Fleming sang "Danny Boy" during the latter half of the memorial service.

McCain specifically requested the opera star sing the beloved Irish gaelic ballad, which references a dying begetter addressing his son who has gone to state of war.

Numerous outlets have reported McCain would heed to the song while sitting in his favorite spot on the porch of his Cornville motel.

Fleming previously performed the song at the Kennedy Eye in 2013, only she told CNN it was a great laurels to perform at McCain'southward funeral.

"I'm and so incredibly touched that he asked for this and that he asked for me to sing it. I'm very moved by that," Fleming told CNN in an interview.

9:10 a.m.: Former Brophy head delivers homily

Jesuit Male parent Edward Reese delivered the homily during Sen. John McCain's memorial service.

"He gave usa an example of how to live every bit a but man," Reese said.

Reese served equally the president of Brophy College Preparatory in Phoenix when Jimmy and Jack McCain attended the all-boys individual Catholic school.

He too delivered a message during McCain's memorial service in Phoenix Thursday.

Reese has remained close to the McCain family through the years. In 2008, when McCain won the GOP nomination, Reese was selected to requite the opening invocation at the Republican National Convention.

8:30 a.m.: Obama: McCain'due south values, principles transcended politics

Former President Barack Obama speaks at a memorial service for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018. McCain died Aug. 25, from brain cancer at age 81. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

One-time President Barack Obama remarked it was merely like Sen. John McCain to make him and onetime President George West. Bush eulogize him.

"What better style to go the last laugh then to make George and I say nice things about him to a national audience?" he joked.

The pair had been adversaries since they faced off in the 2008 presidential election. Despite their differences, Obama had a longstanding admiration for the Republican senator. He said he admired McCain for his power to wait by party lines and differences to find common ground.

McCain frequently bucked his own political party to stand by his beliefs, Obama said.

"He did understand that some principles transcend politics," Obama said. "That some values transcend party. He considered it function of his duty to uphold those principles and those values. John cared most the institutions of self-government."

Despite their differences, Obama said he never doubted he and McCain were always on the same page every bit Americans.

Merely he did admit they had their moments. Obama noted that McCain's famous atmosphere was "a force of nature" and that he as president had been on the receiving end of it.

But McCain likewise was merely as quick to forgive and to ask for forgiveness, Obama said.

He referenced a viral video from a 2008 campaign event in which McCain defended Obama as a "decent family man" in response to a woman who said she didn't trust Obama and that he was an Arab.

Obama said he wasn't surprised by the defense.

"I'm certain… he saw himself as defending Americas grapheme, not just mine. He considered information technology the imperative of every citizen who loves this country to treat all people fairly."

McCain was a prime case of what it meant to chance all for the values and principles of his country, Obama said.

"What better way to honor John McCain'due south life of service than as best we can to follow his example," Obama said.

"To prove the willingness to fight for this country isn't reserved for the few, it's open to all of us. In fact, it's demanded of all of united states of america as citizens of this country."

eight:20 a.m.: A old rival speaks of friendship

Former President George W. Bush-league once saw Sen. John McCain as a rival as they battled one another in the 2000 Republican presidential primaries.

Their biting rivalry eventually melted away, assuasive them to forge a friendship equally they recalled the by.

"I got to savor i of God's greatest gifts," Bush said. "A friendship with John McCain, and I'll miss him."

During Bush-league's presidency, McCain spoke out against the use of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques condoned by the administration.

Former President George W. Bush speaks at a memorial service for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018. McCain died Aug. 25, from brain cancer at age 81. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Bush-league said McCain lived by his own personal ready of virtues that brought both purpose to himself and to his country. He was ever honest, no affair who information technology offended. Higher up all, he detested the abuse of power and oft stood up for "the picayune guy," Bush said.

Respect meant more to him than whatsoever medal or honors.

Maybe this was acquired by his familial groundwork or his years of torture, Bush speculated. Whatever the cause, McCain was defined past this courage and decency.

Bush-league said those virtues could aid the state bargain with divisive times.

"John's vocalization volition always come every bit a whisper over our shoulder," Bush-league said. "We are meliorate than this. America is better than this."

8:05 a.g.: Henry Kissinger recalls POW days

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger knew of Sen. John McCain's captivity in a Vietnam prison long earlier he ever met the man. The 95-year-onetime recounted how the the young McCain'southward father only would say "I'grand praying for him" when asked most his son.

"In the McCain family, national service was its own reward," Kissinger said. "They didn't let for special treatment."

McCain thanked Kissinger for saving his life when they finally met at a White House reception for prisoners returned from captivity in 1973.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger speaks at a memorial service for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018. McCain died Aug. 25, from brain cancer at age 81. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Merely he didn't dwell on the years of torture he endured, Kissinger said; instead, he was focused on creating a ameliorate time to come. He returned to a divided America only to focus on crossing partisan lines in search of unity.

In his death, McCain managed to bring bickering politicians together, at to the lowest degree for a moment, Kissenger said.

"The world will exist lonelier without John McCain. His behavior, his faith in America and his instinctive sense of moral duty. None of u.s. will ever forget that — fifty-fifty in his parting —John has bestowed on us a much-needed moment of unity and a renewed faith in the possibilities of America."

seven:40 a.m.: Joe Lieberman pays tribute

Former Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a longtime friend and colleague, characterized McCain as curious and tolerant, honest, fair and civilized.

"The greater cause to which he devoted himself was America," Lieberman said.

He cited McCain'southward famous lack of patience and also his capacity for forgiveness, citing McCain'due south leadership in the normalization of relations with Vietnam and a government that had held him captive for five½ years.

Former Sen. Joseph Lieberman speaks during a memorial services for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at Washington Nationals Cathedral in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018. McCain died Aug. 25, from brain cancer at age 81. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

7:10 a.m.: Meghan McCain: His most important function was begetter

Sen. John McCain's daughter Meghan said she knows her begetter always volition be best remembered for his roles as an aviator, prisoner of war, senator and a presidential nominee.

But to her, his nigh of import office was every bit her father.

"My male parent was a not bad human being," she said through tears. "He was a peachy warrior. He was a peachy American. I admire him for all of these things, but I love him because he was a bully begetter."

McCain should have despised the earth that acquired him so much pain in life, especially for the years of torture he endured as a prisoner of war. But, instead, she said he embraced life wholeheartedly.

She recounted babyhood memories of him tucking her into bed at night and singing "Singing in the Pelting" together during a storm next to their love Oak Creek Canyon.

"You all have to imagine that. I don't have to because I lived it all," she said. "I know who he was. I know who divers him. I got to see information technology every unmarried day of my blessed life."

Afterwards her begetter was diagnosed, Meghan asked him how he would like her to handle the eulogy. He instructed her to show everyone just how tough she truly was.

"That'south what love meant to John McCain," she said.

With a fierce look on her face up, Meghan McCain took a clear jab at President Donald Trump.

"America of John McCain has no need to be made not bad over again because America was ever great," she said.

She finished off her emotional tribute by recounting her father's final moments beside his beloved Oak Creek.

"An old man shook off a scars of boxing one last time and arose a new man to airplane pilot one concluding flight," she said through deep sobs. "Upwardly and upward, busting clouds left and right – straight on through to the Kingdom of Heaven. He slipped the earthly bonds, put out his hand and touched the face of God."

Meghan McCain speaks at a memorial service for her father,   Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at Washington Nationals Cathedral in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018. McCain died Aug. 25, from brain cancer at age 81

seven:04 a.m.: Memorial service begins at Washington National Cathedral

The serviced for Sen. John McCain has started at the Washington National Cathedral.

Cindy McCain walked backside the award guard equally they carried her husbands casket down the center aisle of the church. She was followed past his hand-selected pallbearers, including former Vice-President Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg and actor Warren Beatty.

Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, dean of the Washington National Cathedral, began the service by offering his condolences to the McCain family.

"Our hearts are with y'all and all of those across the country and around the world who grieve the loss of this great American and statesman," he said.

half-dozen:43 a.m.: Sen. McCain's casket brought into church

The catafalque of Sen. John McCain was moved into the Washington National Cathedral, where the service was scheduled to begin shortly.

Meghan McCain clutched her mother Cindy's arm tightly as the family watched  an honor baby-sit of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines remove McCain's flag-draped casket from the hearse.

The Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, led a short prayer on the stairs outside earlier the casket was moved into the cathedral.

half-dozen:25 a.grand.: Motorcade reaches Washington National Cathedral

The hearse conveying McCain's body has reached the Washington National Cathedral, where the service is scheduled to begin at 7 a.m.

McCain'south daughter, Meghan, volition deliver the first tribute.

vi:x a.m.: Roberta McCain, Jay Leno arrive at Washington National Cathedral

Mourners, who include comedian Jay Leno, have started to make full up the seats as organ music plays. Also spotted in the audience: sometime Secretary of Land John Kerry, former Secretary of Defense force Leon Panetta, one-time House Speaker John Boehner, numerous sitting senators (Cory Gardner, Patrick Leahy, Bob Menendez, Ron Wyden) and former senators (Chris Dodd, Jon Kyl). Former Rep. John Shadegg, whose name has been mentioned as a possible McCain successor, is hither, too. McCain's mother, 106-yr-old Roberta McCain, has arrived in a wheelchair.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were also in attendance. Sen. Lindsey Graham patted Kushner on the shoulder.

Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her married man, astronaut Mark Kelly, were seated a few rows behind the onetime presidents.

Washington National Cathedral's capacity is three,204.

6 a.yard.: Motorcade arrives at Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The motorcade carrying McCain's body to the church building stopped at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

The McCain family unit left their vehicles to walk to the memorial. Cindy McCain, accompanied past Secretary of Defence force James Mattis and White Firm Chief of Staff John Kelly, stepped frontwards to place an elaborate wreath next to the memorial, which is  marked with the names of the members of the U.Due south. armed services who fought in the war.

She paused before the wreath, silently clasping her hands, before she gave one somber smile. Cindy McCain then returned back to her family.

The family and then made their fashion back to the motorcade to depart for the memorial service.

5:45 a.m.: Motorcade departs for Vietnam Veterans Memorial

McCain's body left the U.South. Capitol for the concluding time.

Mourners lined the 2-mile route from the Capitol to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial to accolade the late senator, who had been a prisoner of war in Vietnam for 5 1/2 years afterwards his fighter jet had been shot down over Hanoi in 1967.

Some waved small American flags, while others held handwritten signs thanking him for his service.

5:35 a.m.: Casket loaded into hearse

Eight military pallbearers carried McCain'southward casket down the steps of the U.South Capitol to the hearse as his family watched. Meghan, Cindy and Bridget McCain's hands were placed over their hearts as they watched the casket loaded into the hearse ahead of the memorial service. Jack and Jimmy McCain held a military salute.

The family unit then departed for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Meghan McCain was arm-in-arm with her married man, Ben Domenech, every bit they prepared to leave the Capitol.

The casket of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is carried down the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018, in Washington, for a departure to the Washington National Cathedral for a memorial service. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post via AP, Pool)

five:thirty a.thousand.: McCain family at the U.S. Capitol

Sen. John McCain's family unit has arrived at the U.S. Capitol.

They gathered along the pathway to the Capitol steps to wait the arrival of McCain's casket.

5:05 a.m.: Guests make it for memorial service

Guests began to file into the Washington National Cathedral for McCain's memorial service two hours before the scheduled outset time.

The invitation-only service will be limited to family unit, friends, congressional colleagues and staff, as well as U.S. and international leaders, co-ordinate to McCain'due south website. He allegedly handpicked the guest list prior to his death.

5 a.g.: What you need to know

A motorcade will carry McCain'south trunk from the U.S. Capitol to the Washington National Cathedral starting at eight:30 a.thou. Eastern time (5:30 a.yard. in Arizona) Saturday.

On the style, the procession will stop at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Cindy McCain volition lay a ceremonial wreath honoring those who died during the Vietnam War. The public is welcome to line the process route along Constitution Avenue to pay their respects.

So, the family will continue to the Washington National Cathedral for an invitation-only national memorial service starting at 10 a.g. Eastern time (vii a.m. Arizona time). The outcome will be livestreamed at

Old Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush are expected to speak. McCain's daughter, Meghan, will too provide a tribute. Both Sidney and Jimmy McCain will also participate in the service.

'John's code was ageless'

Sen. John McCain died at 4:28 p.m. Aug. 25 at his Cornville, Arizona, habitation, surrounded by loved ones, including his wife, Cindy.

Post-obit his death, McCain lay in state at the Arizona Capitol building on Wednesday before a memorial service in Phoenix on Thursday. His funeral drew 24 members of the U.Southward. Senate and more than than 3,000 others whose lives he touched.

Onetime Vice President Joe Biden heralded McCain for his commitment to those he served.

"The truth is John'southward code was ageless, is ageless. Information technology wasn't nigh politics with John. You could disagree on substance," Biden added. "Information technology was nearly the underlying values that animated everything John did."

His body was transported to Washington, D.C., on Thursday. On Fri, McCain was one of only 31 people to accept the honor of lying in state at the U.S. Capitol subsequently a ceremony honoring his life and service. Thousands of mourners passed by his flag-draped coffin to pay their respects.

McCain will render to the U.S. Naval University in Annapolis, Maryland, to exist buried at the cemetery at that place Sunday after a private funeral.

When Does Mccain Service Begin In Dc?,


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